Aminet 19
Aminet 19 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 1997].iso
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Text File
122 lines
The "CNet_BBSTEXT.Lines!" file contains numerous lines that are LONGER
than 255 characters.
For this reason, do NOT attempt to load this file into a text editor
that does NOT support line lengths longer than this max. This includes the
following text editors: ED, MEMACS(EMACS), AZ.
CED, EDGE and GoldEdit are three editors I've found that WILL work with
line lengths greater than 255 characters, so I suggest using one of these
editors if you'll be editing, copying, etc. line(s) from this file.
ALL OTHER FILES located within this archive are SAFE to be loaded and/or
edited using ANY text editor.
The "Routines/" directory includes ONLY the actual routine talked about
in the "CNet_ToolKit.REXX!" file. They are included separately, because some
text editors allow you to INCLUDE/PASTE text from external files. This can
save you some time when wanting to add one or more of the included routines
into a program of your own.
Some text editors that SUPPORT the INCLUDE/PASTE function are MEMACS,
AZ, CED and EDGE. I believe the GoldEdit program will also support it, but
I neglected to test it before purging it from my system. Here's how to do it
with the four editors I WAS able to test:
MEMACS : Project Menu/Insert-file (Key=^X^I), where ^ is CONTROL.
AZ : Edit Menu/Copy From File... (No Key)
followed by Edit Menu/Paste (Key=AMIGA-P)
CED : Project Menu/Include File... (Key=AMIGA-O)
EDGE : Project Menu/Include... (Key=AMIGA-O is default)
I was playing with CED's ARexx Interface and came up with a little script
you may want to use to help automate the include job somewhat. Included in
the archive is the file "IncRoutines.ced". Load this small file into CED and
modify the path following 'getfilename' to reflect the location you stored
the "/Routines/" directory. The "PARSE_SORT" will be the DEFAULT routine that
will be highlighted when you're presented with the file requestor. You can
change it to another routine if there's one you user more often. Once you've
changed it, save the file and remember it's location.
To add this functionality into CED (v3.5 is what I'm using), you can do
one of two things:
1. Call it from an unqualified Function Key by selecting DOS/ARexx Interface
from the Special menu, then selecting Install DOS/ARexx command... You
then specify a number from 1 thru 10 that corresponds to the Function Key
of the same name. Press ENTER or click OK, then type the following when it
prompts for Enter DOS/ARexx command:
Where <path> is the location you opted to store the "IncRoutines.ced" file.
Complete the process by selecting Special >> DOS/ARexx Interface >> Save
DOS/ARexx commands... (A file titled "RexxCommands" will be created in
your S: directory).
2. Define a keyboard key macro that calls the script. I discovered that the
RAMIGA - I combination is NOT used by default, so it would come in real
handy for our "Include routine" function. To create the macro, press
RAMIGA - m to define a keyboard macro. In the title bar, you'll see the
text "Choose key to define macro for". Press RAMIGA - i and the title bar
will then say "Put in macro definition". Do the following:
- With your mouse, open the SPECIAL Menu, then open the
DOS/ARexx Interface submenu.
- Choose the "Send DOS/ARexx command..." option in the
submenu, then type the following:
Where <path> is the location you opted to store the included
"IncRoutines.ced" file.
- Press ENTER or click OK. You should then be asked if you wish the
contents of the requestor to be used in the Macro. Click YES.
- Complete the macro by pressing RAMIGA - m one last time.
Now SAVE your macro using "E"nvironment >> Macro definitions >>
Save definitions... (A file titled "cedmacros" will be created in your S:
To use the above functionality, simply do the following:
- Place your cursor where you'd like the CNet ToolKit Routine to be
placed within your code, then invoke the function by pressing the
defined function key, or by pressing RAMIGA - i.
- You should be presented with a file requestor asking for the Rexx
Routine to include. Select the routine, then press ENTER or click
the OK button. (By pressing CANCEL, you can ABORT the process!)
- The requested routine will be inserted directly into your code.
Another NEW entity to the CNet Amiga ToolKit is the "RexxToolKit.guide"
file. This guide file is basically the same as the "CNetToolKit.REXX!" file,
except the actual routines and examples have been stripped out. What's left
is the FORMAT and USAGE templates for ALL included ARexx routines. I would
highly suggest adding a launch command for this file in Tool Manager or in
another task launch type program. You could even assign a hot key for it,
just like you did with the CED macro above. (Perhaps RAMIGA - SHIFT - I)
You'll then have two QUICK ways to get the routine INTO your file, as well
as having the ability to QUICKLY refresh yourself as to the arguments or
proper formatting of a given routine.
I hope you enjoy the files included within this package and that you'll
drop a line to one of the author(s) and/or contributor(s) letting them know
if and when you decide to use one or more of their ideas in works of your
own design!
- Dotoran